3-5 days
Monthly then 6 monthly
60 minutes
Plinest is a polynucleotide (PN) injectable treatment which repair damaged skin and improve your skin condition. It works by enhancing fibroblast proliferation and stimulate collagen regeneration which repair damaged skin, increase skin firmness, tone, and elasticity.
The Candidates:
This treatment is suitable for all skin type.
Contraindications: We do not recommend pregnant / breastfeeding ladies or anyone who is allergic to salmon or trout fish.
The Benefits:
✓ Glowing skin
✓ Reduce open pores
✓ Reduce acne scars
✓ Reduce wrinkles
✓ Improves hydration
The Procedure:
​The procedure will take approximately 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes (including preparation time).
Face is cleansed .
Numb cream is applied for 30 minutes.
Multiple injections is then done on the treatment area. ​
Cooling mask is applied.
The Side Effects:
Depending on the person, the downtime may last 3-5 days.
- Bruises
- Minor swelling
- Injection site marks
The Interval and Frequency:
You will start to see some brightening of the skin 1 week after treatment.
Based on the recommended protocol, 3 sessions of 2-3 weeks interval will be needed initially, followed by maintenance treatment of every 6 months or 1 year.