Hair Loss Treatment
Weekly for 10 sessions
30 minutes
Our stem cell-based hair treatment is enriched with growth factors. Growth factors are very specialized proteins and require a high level of technology for production. They are the main key player in the healing, repairing, and nourishing cascade.
The Benefits:
✓ Healthier scalp
✓ Nourishes the hair follicles
The Procedure:
The procedure is painless. ​
The treatment area is cleansed.
The scalp (concerned area) is then stamped for a few passes.
A thin layer of stem cell serum is then applied to the stamped area.
The serum is left on the scalp for 15 minutes for absorption.
The After Procedure Care:
- Avoid saunas, steam room, and swimming for 2 days
- Avoid vigorous exercise, heat, and sun exposure for 2 days
- Avoid smoking for 3 days
- Avoid colouring your hair / chemical treatment for 3 days
The Side Effects:
There is no downtime. You may experience scalp pain for a few hours/days which usually resolves spontaneously.
The Interval and Frequency:
We recommend 10 weekly sessions, which is 1 cycle of treatment. The number of cycles required differs from patient to patient.